Scrappage Scheme for Diesel Cars ‘Being Considered’


A scrappage scheme for diesel cars could be introduced within months as part of a plan to lower emissions and improve air quality across the country, the Telegraph understands.

Work is underway by officials in the Department for Transport and Defra on a scheme to offer cashback or a discount on low-emission cars if people trade in their old polluting vehicles.

A government source confirmed that talks had taken place with the Treasury, which would finance the plan, and officials were developing a scheme that could focus on geographical areas around the country where pollution is worst.

Following emissions scandals diesel cars have been found to be very bad for the environment so anything that can be done to reduce them is a great idea.

There are new cars out there that have way better Diesel emition ratings these days – for example the Civic Diesel from Honda, which ’emits only 93g/km of CO2′. Comparatively this makes the Civic Diesel 25% cleaner than the average new petrol car in the UK, according to Honda.

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